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Friday, July 15, 2005

The sad things that happen

Drilling holes in my kitchen cabinets so I can install knobs is one of the things on my summer todo list. Today was the day I actually intended to do it. About noon today, I started searching for masking tape. I intended to mark each door carefully, take it down, and haul the whole pile to a friend with a drill press. That way each hole can be perfect and each knob straight.

We didn't have any masking tape. So I drove down to the gas station to get some. They don't have any. They have electrical tape (which you can't write on) and duck tape (which gets all gummy). So I left without anything. When I was pulling out, a man in a Red pickup truck looked down at his ringing cell phone and hit my car. I had pulled to the right, stopped, and honked. He couldn't react fast enough.

No one was hurt. Both cars are driveable. But it did mean a hot hour in the afternoon sun calling the insurance companies and making a report with the state patrol. I really tried to do everything by the numbers. I know how insurance companies can be, and I don't want any problems. It looks like it will be pretty straightforward, since the offending cell phone was mentioned to the officer at the scene and will be in the official report.

It looks like the rear driver's fender and rear door will need fixed. It'll probably take a few days to get the claims rolling before I can look into getting it fixed.

In the meantime, I'll be just a bit sad that my new car is officially not so new.