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Thursday, February 10, 2005

Those quiet speech students

Linda and I spoke in one of the speech therapy classes on Wednesday morning. Essentially our task was to make everything seem more real and tangible than a textbook. I did most of the talking. I brought the communication boards that we had created for Linda. I showed them pictures of Linda's brain (on the computer), and explained where the blood clot lodged.

They were pretty quiet, but I have no problem finding things to talk about in general. They asked Linda what her goals are. She said, "I want to be normal." Pretty simple. They asked how long it was before she could communicate anything non-trivial (about 3 weeks--when I made her transparent letter board). How long before she could have food (about 4 weeks).

I got to meet Linda's student therapist, Bobby. We didn't get much chance to talk, but she was nice.

Scale back on that PT

Linda told me tonight that her PT is going to shorten her therapy visits. Now that the insurance underwriters have said she can exceed 24 visits, it will be possible to move at a more reasonable pace. Shorter visits are less expensive, so it will save money now (but cost later). Linda was given the choice of course, but she asked to have the shorter visits.