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Tuesday, January 25, 2005


My cold seems better tonight, but I can't really say for sure. I had enough sense to take some ibuprofin before my head started pounding. It hurts a lot less tonight in any event. I'll know in the morning.

Linda had a hard time in PT this morning. She worked on some new exercises. She did various things while lifting an anatomy textboox. Things like: from sitting, lean over and grab the book from the floor; stand up and lift the book at the same time. Or: bend down and lay the book on a chair at the same time. Or: move the book from place to place, bending slightly each time. It made her cry. She was doing a good job, but new things are always frustrating.

All of rehabilitation is like that. As soon as you are good at something, it gets put away and you have to work on some new hard thing. You're always working on things you can't do well.