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Friday, November 03, 2006

New management

Yeah, so Linda's takeover of the blog didn't last so long. She's not really a computer person anyway.

It's been a crushingly busy week this week, or I might have updated things. Tests to write, tests to grade. Extra committee meetings (and preparatory work).

One little island of quiet came in the middle. Linda and I went on a date last night. It was really for Ellie. I had promised Ellie a babysitter some time ago, and it was time to make good on the promise. So I arranged for her favorite babysitter to come over and make cookies with her.

Linda and I went out. We'd been together during the day (although I was working so it doesn't count quite the same), so we didn't have a whole lot of talking and catching up to do. Linda can't talk all that much when she eats anyway or she coughs a lot. But we had a nice time anyway. We don't get out all that often, and getting out without Ellie is truly rare.

Poo-pooing physical therapy

Linda decided to enroll at the fitness center this week. Basically she wants a place where she can walk the track once or twice a week, not surrounded by beautiful people. We went on Tuesday, and again on Thursday. She's a bit out of practice because we've not done as much recently, but I suppose it went fine. It's definitely work for her.

She probably won't go back to PT unless she wants to work on some specific skill. The part of PT Linda found the most useful at the end was walking anyway, and we can do that on our own. Since an hour with the PT pays for a year's membership at the gym, it's a lot cheaper too. And Linda kind of likes being more in charge of her program.

So I guess you could say she's graduated, or perhaps more accurately that she has decided to graduate.