Gotta take that kid to Iowa
When I stopped at school to pick up Ellie, the classroom had a delightfully buttery smell. The teacher told me they had had popcorn this afternoon. When I caught Ellie's attention, she held up a blue cup and told me the same thing, "We had popcorn today, and I got to keep some of the seeds. We can plant them in the garden and make corn trees." I nodded and smiled and told her that when I grew up on the farm, we grew popcorn too.
I've had a cold all week. Every day I think I'll feel better tomorrow and I don't. Except today, I think maybe I do feel better than yesterday. That's probably just as well, since it isn't so easy to go to the doctor on a weekend.
Life didn't get less busy so I could be sick. The computers at work have been giving minor fits. For the most part, I've been able to keep that from being noticed by the users, so I guess it's not been too bad. But it takes extra time when things go wrong. Of course you try to fix the problems, but when possible I try to make it so I get a "heads up" a bit before problems start. It's nicer if there's no "next time."
I suppose I don't have to mention how cold it is. Linda is staying in for the most part, although we did go out earlier in the week to buy a towel bar. It was her first trip to the Kirksville Home Depot. She was kind of bored, although in principle she likes the store. It's more a matter of she likes to look at different things than I do.
Still, Linda especially will be happy to see warmer weather. She's a lot slower when it is colder.