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Friday, December 31, 2004

Happy new year

Well, ok, I'm a bit early. We don't do much to celebrate the new year. We never have. Maybe I'll do something really festive, like put Ellie to bed early. That's a sure way to perk up an evening.

Bye bye office

Yesterday we emptied Linda's office. It was quite a bit of work--for me mostly. There were quite a few trips up and down the stairs. I ran into one of my students, and he helped me with a trip too. Although she didn't do a lot, the trek to her office really highlighted that she isn't ready for work. Just getting into the building and to her office left her pretty tired. Of course Baldwin is not the most accessible of buildings, in ways I could elaborate on. Unfortunately for the people who have to work there, it would seem that Baldwin won't undergo rennovation until sometime next century. I guess that sentiment has been repeated so many times it isn't really funny any more.

On the way out, I made Linda do a walking exercise that I learned at Rusk. We had done it once in town with the therapists, but it didn't go all that well. She did comparably well yesterday. That's not to say that I didn't have to catch her a few times, especially after she started laughing. But when we had gone a ways, I told her to look back. My coat was laying on the floor about 20ft behind down the hall. She was surprised we had gone so far. That was nice.