Walk of fame
Linda did her walking. She was nervous. Somehow, I forgot to mention that there would be students evaluating her gait. That is to say, I asked her if she would be comfortable working in front of students, and she said, "Yes," so I thought it was just assumed. As people are sometimes wont to say, "My bad."
Linda was disappointed with her walking. She said it was like walking for her physical therapist. I asked her which made her more nervous, a room full of students or her therapist. She said it was a tie. Unfortunately, nervousness kicks in her tone, making it difficult to be relaxed and fluid. I thought she did fine.
After the walking, we answered some questions. I answered most of the questions, since Linda was immediately shy, a failing I rarely struggle with. I did have her answer some things, but the students had difficulty understanding over the background noise of the ventilation system, so I was translating everything anyway.
All in all, I thought it went very well. I'm looking forward to seeing how the digital analysis looks.
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