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Friday, September 03, 2004

Back up your data

You should sit down and think about what data matters to you and make a copy. Here's some data that mattered to me. I had two voice mails on my office system in Linda's "old voice." I have been keeping them to record with the telephone tape unit that I bought to document the insurance company's lies. I intended to digitize them and archive them for Ellie in case Linda's recovered voice isn't normal. I want her to realize that her mom was upbeat and fun and just like everyone else once.

Truman voice mails older than 6 months old are cleared from the system and there are no backups. I was consequently disappointed this afternoon when I learned this. Never trust your data to the care of other people.

I keep my grades on the computer. I back them up every 15 minutes (when there are updates) to a server in Texas. I'm not kidding.

Feeling good

Linda had late therapy today and it went really well. The speech therapists backed off a bit. They had been working her really hard and she was feeling a bit "pushed" by it. Her PT session went very well. They did leg lifts and balance exercises before finishing off with a lap around the track. Linda said the lap was one thing too many, but she was very pleased with how much her balance has improved since the last time she did the same exercises.