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Sunday, June 06, 2004

Things that go boom in the night

Linda and I put Ellie to bed at 8pm last night so we could watch Return of the King. We didn't finish it, which was fine because we were both tired. But the thing that actually stopped us was Ellie. About 3/4 of the way through the movie, I heard her crying in her room. When I went in, she was sitting in bed shaking. She was afraid of the "thunder." When we started the movie, I had wondered if the loud sounds and music might wake her up.

I told her that it wasn't thunder, it was just a movie. She said, "I listened it. It was scary." I agreed that it was scary and asked her if she would like to come out and sit with us. When I picked her up, she was shivering. Even her teeth were clicking. You'd think I had left her outside in winter without a coat.

So she sat on my lap, then on Linda's lap. I showed her that it wasn't raining outside (no thunder). Eventually we all decided that we should turn off the TV which had been paused. She went to bed without much fuss, although she did insist on having the light on. She slept for the rest of the night.