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Saturday, May 15, 2004

Saturday afternoon

Ellie was here to visit. We took her to McDonald's and then to the park (Linda's idea). I don't think Linda enjoyed it as much as she expected. When she is at Rusk, she is eager to go out. But when she goes out, she feels like a freak and wishes she were back. The background noise in a restaurant pretty much makes it impossible to understand her, so she can't really chat.

The weather was nice for going to the park. It was sunny and warm. Ellie was excited to see the playscapes, so we wheeled Linda over to the end of the sidewalk. Ellie ran toward the swings which are hung very high. She needed help, so I had to leave Linda parked by herself watching while I helped Ellie play. I asked Linda first if it would be OK or heartbreaking. She said, "Both." Ellie did have a good time at least, and she was very good.

They were cleaning the apartment when we got back, so we should be able to get into it soon.