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Saturday, May 08, 2004


Just for you blogger addicts: We had therapies today, both PT and OT. Physical therapy consisted of the standing frame, and occupational therapy was work on rolling over, which Linda does better all of the time. She can even roll in bed sometimes now.

We went to the Thai restaurant for lunch with Ellie and Marilyn (sort of for Mother's day, I guess). That was pretty taxing, but we did get to know most everyone in the place. Ellie played with people's babies and toddlers, and she just sort of went up and flirted with anyone else who would pay attention.

Ellie really didn't want to be separated from us today when it was time to leave. She insisted that Mom and Dad come home, and she accompanied it with huge crocodile tears to make her point. I don't think she was actually more upset than 2-year-olds get about anything they can't have, but she did get Linda crying. Because of the labile emotion thing, Linda can't generally watch a person cry and not join them. It's sort of like those people who can't resist sympathetic puking in certain situations.

We napped for a bit this afternoon since we were both wiped out. Then we had a few visitors, which was really nice. This evening, we've just been reading a bit, but now I'm off to do a bit of grading. I'll be glad when that is done.