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Saturday, March 17, 2007

Quiet night

Ellie is having a sleepover tonight. She never ever stops talking, unless she is watching a movie, and either way she is essentially a noise source. So Linda and I are quietly reading tonight sans noise. I'm sure Ellie is enjoying the evening too, although by now she should probably be in bed (except with her you never really know for sure).

On Thursday Linda had another first at the gym. She walked the track twice, about 200 yards total. She did the first lap in a bit under 15 minutes. Then we rested and she walked the second lap a bit more slowly. It's the first time that she's done two full laps. Although the track would seem like the easiest of surfaces, being designed for walking, it is actually quite challenging. When you get to the curves at the ends, it is sloped into the curve and that is hard.

It is possibly not the farthest she's walked in a go, because we don't have a good measure of some of the surfaces we do on campus in the summer. But it is definitely the farthest at the gym.