Hey! Get your flu shots.
It's that time of year, and the first vaccines are coming in. So do yourself a favor and go get a flu shot. And get your kids vaccinated too. I plan to have Ellie do the flu mist, guessing that she's only 5 and wouldn't like a shot. I can't believe that the schools don't promote this more. They are all over the other vaccinations, and make a big deal about keeping your kids home when they are sick. And why exactly do we think December through March is flu season? Maybe because we all travel around on Thanksgiving and Christmas exchanging bugs which the kids are happy to spread around at school.
If you don't get the flu shot, then: When it's the middle of January and your suffering from chills and fever and a massive sinus headache that lingers on for 2 weeks as "the crud," ask yourself, wouldn't it have been better in October to have spent that $20 (that your insurance probably catches for you anyway) and get a quick shot that might not even have hurt? Would you pay $20 to make the symptoms vanish when you have them?
I know the vaccinations don't always take, and sometimes the strain is different than what was in the shot. Fine. Ask yourself, would you spend $20 on a 50/50 chance that your symptoms would go away?
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Since I'm advetising, Curtain Call Theater is doing Dracula this month. We're not in it, but we know a lot of people who are. I don't know what it costs, but I do know that it is playing at the round barn on October 26, 27, 28, and 31.