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Monday, October 03, 2005

Dry spell

Wow, no post in over a week. Part of that is that I gave tests last week. Part is that I've been sick (that usually comes right after grading papers for some reason). Mostly I've been really tired because of that; today is really no exception.

Family time

Linda's parents visited this weekend. We had a pretty nice if short visit. Ellie had just been asking about seeing them, so it was fun to be able to say, Yes, they're coming over later.

More evil

We got another letter from the collection agency. They could hardly have had time to have gotten our first response despite the fact that I sent it right away. In their new letter, they concluded that the debts are accurate and Linda owes them $375. Apparently the facts of the case have little to do with their conclusions.

So yesterday I sent a second response. I noted that I have personally verified my facts with the medical equipment company (something they apparently haven't done). Since they threatened Linda's good credit, I asked them to confirm in writing that they have not impugned her good name and good credit through their inadequate diligence.

We'll see. Even a confirmation that they've received my letters would be a step forward. I'm going to have to start sending them certified mail.

A bright spot

Today I got an EOB from the insurance company. The payments against Linda's wheelchair now exceed the cost of the wheelchair by $462.22. I'd say that pretty much rules out us owing any more money on that.

Awe, she's growing up

Ellie started her first day of pre-school today. She had fun. She really wanted to resist leaving, but luckily I was able to convince her not to since she gets to come back tomorrow. There was a kindergarten girl there who informed be, When I first started, I thought pre-school was really great, and I didn't want to go home either.

I can see that the extra running around is going to make my life even busier than it was, but we'll manage.