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Thursday, March 11, 2004

Scheduler for Linda

This morning I received an email with an attachment for the Linda Bindner Scheduler. Many shouts and thanks go out to Jon Beck for developing this, especially all of the time that went into it!

If you will look to your right, you will see a link called Schedule for Linda or something like that (I've already forgotten what I called it). If you click on it, you will be able insert times you plan to visit Linda and then scroll down and "submit" your entry at the bottom of the schedule. (Jon, if I have this wrong, please email me ASAP!).

I haven't actually tried the scheduler yet, because I'm in Pennsylvania this week (and I feel acutely removed, anxious to return so I CAN visit-- Thanks, Don, for continual posting).

Please remember, of course, that the scheduler is optional, but it surely would be a nice way to make sure that Linda is not going for long stretches without visitors, or alternatively, that she is not overwhelmed with visitors on any given weekend.

Many thanks, again, to Mary Shapiro and Jon Beck for developing this.
