Merry Christmas
It's true that I don't get my Christmas cards out on time. Actually, what's true is that I don't send cards, or at least I almost never send cards. I'm not really a card person. If you are going to hear from me on paper, it will be a letter, and it will be written in my own hand. In fact, I would go so far as to say it will be written in my own fairly attractive handwriting (attractive for a guy especially).
Still, I suppose I could have at least updated the blog before now. Since it isn't yet New Year's, technically I'm not that late, so here's the update.
We stayed home for Christmas. Ellie went to her grandmother's for a couple of days before, but was back by the 24th. In Linda's family, they always opened gifts on Christmas morning, and that's what we do now.
Naturally, the 5-year-old was the recipient of most of the things under the tree. A day or two before, she asked me if I thought Santa would bring me a lot of things. I told her, "No. I yell too much."
She responded, "Yeah." But she assured me that Santa would bring me something anyway.
We did in fact get a lot of movies this year. Ellie also got a few toys she especially desired. It was a lucky thing that one of her friends had a birthday party in November, as Ellie was ever so helpful pointing out especially desirable things at the store. To be honest, I was a bit skeptical that she would actually play with a few of the things that she wanted, but I was pleasantly wrong in that regard. She has played with pretty much everything.