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Saturday, June 03, 2006

What happens when you sit in Linda's wheelchair

I promised I would tell what happens when you wheel around in Linda's wheelchair. I did this the other day on campus when she got tired.

The first thing that happens is that you discover that the sidewalk behind Missouri hall does not actually slope down to the parking lot the way it should. I had only gone 4 feet when I got stuck, and I mean really stuck as in couldn't go forward or backward. I finally got unhung by leaning hard on one wheel when and turning it backward. But I only managed because I was totally healthy and determined; Linda could never do it.

The 2nd thing is that your arms get tired. And you realize that it isn't so easy to push both wheels exactly the same. I tend to drift right. Linda tends to drift left. I had to mak sure I didn't run into the hedges a couple of times. And downhill sections are great, because you don't have to push. You only have to make sure you don't go too fast.

The 3rd thing that happens is a surprise. You turn invisible. Linda told me that this happens, but it was amazing to experience it. No one looks at you. I passed a girl who was walking the other way and she just inspected the grass on the side of the sidewalk. I forced her to look by cheerfully saying "Hi," and she looked for just the briefest moment before returning to her study.

It's surprisingly hard to run a wheelchair down the sidewalk, and it's surprisingly slower than walking considering you're on wheels. I definitely had a feel for the efficiency of walking about. You can get places so quickly.

And when you're walking, people can see you.