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Thursday, April 20, 2006

We'll get her trained yet

Linda took a few rounds on the (riding) lawn mower today. She stuck to flat open spots of the yard so she could focus on simple things like keeping her foot on the accelerator. She did pretty well, and kept it up for about 30 minutes before she was completely worn out for the day.

It will get written someday

My speech software now has a fully working graphical prototype. It can show the loudness and pitch of your voice in a window in real-time. That requires drawing 300 short lines per second (in addition to the sound processing) but the computer seems to be up to the task. I should be in good shape on most modern computers since my office computer is the slowest in the division, and my computer at home is even slower than that.

I met with my student assistant on Wednesday and showed it to her. She was stunned. I was a bit puzzled by that, and showed her how the code for the program was just things we had already done; just assembled together in a new way.

She said, I know. When you read it, it seems easy. But when you see it run.... It's really impressive to look at.

Even Linda grudgingly took a look at my program and said it looked nice.