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Thursday, February 12, 2004

Linda Schedule.xls

Hello Folks,

Here is the completed volunteer schedule. As with any schedule, I expect it will be a fluid document, subject to changes and substitutions. You will notice I have only scheduled us for two weeks. We will see what we see after that.

I actually have a key now, at the bottom with phone numbers (the colors match!). I already know I have neglected to include Marc Rice's phone numbers. I did not include the names and phone numbers of those providing meals-- it's not nearly the crisis if someone can't provide a meal as it is if they can't take their shift. The phone numbers are there so you can call for substitutes-- and given all the students calling me, I am sure the number of substitutes we can call will grow.

For those of you who would like to be emergency substitutes, please send me your phone numbers and the times we CANNOT call you.

My brain hurts! :) I'm going to post this to the blog as well. http://lindabindner.blogspot.com

The folks at blogger.com gave me a free upgrade today so that I could do this. This means that if you have digital pictures you can send me for the blog, I can upload them now. This is my first plea for pictures-- please send what you can/desire.

Thank you again. Yesterday, I promised a man with maybe two volunteers that he could bring his wife home, that we would fill slots 24/7.

For everyone who has thanked me for this effort, please: It is I who must thank you. I have cried in my office this week, as a co-worker called human resources to find out my vacation hours, and looked in the policy manual to see what hours I could combine.

I went home and told my partner that for the next two weeks, I was going to be pretty absent, so he would have to take care of three children during that absence, and at the times I was not absent, he was going to be. And he said, "Okay."

I held my children last night and explained to them why I have to do this. This is a very selfish effort-- make no mistake.

If you had not all come forward, it would have been nearly impossible for me to keep my promise. My family certainly would have had to make many more sacrifices. So, I think you from the bottom of my heart for your generosity.
