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Monday, August 07, 2006

Dr. Bindner,

I don't know if you remember me or not, but I attended some of the FSCK meetings a couple years ago. My wife, Amy, mowed your yard for a while our last semester. I graduated Dec. 04 and now work for a company called NISC.

I'm sending this note under unfortunate circumstances... A fellow employee here at NISC (Jim B., age 37) whom I do not really know personally but have met him once, suffered a bad stroke last Thursday night. Through the grapevine, I had heard that he had trouble with his vision a few days earlier, but didn't think anything of it. Then on Thursday, he was sent to the hospital unconscious. The hospital he went to spent a few hours trying to diagnose an unconscious patient, and eventually had him transferred to a bigger hospital in St. Louis, that performed an emergency surgery to remove a blood clot from his brain early Friday morning.

As of Sunday, he is conscious and can only move his eyes up and down, and move one of his index fingers. He can't blink, but can communicate 'yes' by moving his eyes up, and 'no' by moving his eyes down.

I hope I don't bring back nightmares, but believe that any thoughts and/or prayers from any community you have become a part of can only help things for Jim and his wife Jennifer (who also works for NISC).

Thank you, so much!
-Justin W.